عناوين الصحف ليوم الاربعاء 11 ايلول 2019

  • شارك هذا الخبر
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

صحف اقليمية

الشرق الأوسط

شنكر في بيروت يؤكد استعداد واشنطن للمساعدة على ترسيم الحدود

الحكومة اللبنانية تتجه إلى خصخصة مرافق الدولة

نصر الله: خامنئي إمامنا وقائدنا وسيدنا ولن نكون على الحياد في أي حرب على إيران


Netanyahu Taken Off Stage in Campaign Rally Following Gaza Rocket Attack

Netanyahu's Annexation Promise Would 'Kill the Peace Process,' Jordan Says

For Second Day Running, Trump – and Hamas – Rain on Netanyahu’s Grandstanding Parade

صحف دولية

The New York Times

Trump Ousts John Bolton as National Security Adviser

Netanyahu, Facing Tough Israel Election, Pledges to Annex a Third of West Bank

Turkey’s Radical Plan: Send a Million Refugees Back to Syria

Washington Post

Bolton’s turbulent tenure as national security adviser comes to abrupt end

Trump pushes for major crackdown on California homeless camps

Netanyahu offers West Bank annexation to right-wing voters ahead of cliffhanger election


MPs look to bring back May's Brexit deal with vote on referendum


Netanyahu vows to annex large parts of occupied West Bank



Ireland and Boris Johnson both eye return to EU’s original backstop

Brexit: Tom Watson calls for Labour to demand referendum before election in latest clash with Jeremy Corbyn

Theresa May hands out honours to architects of her doomed Brexit deal

Le Monde

Brexit : le Parlement est suspendu, la confusion politique s’aggrave

En Israël, Nétanyahou échoue à imposer des caméras dans les bureaux de vote arabes

A Moscou, Jean-Yves Le Drian et Florence Parly en quête de confiance avec les Russes